
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/19 00:17:49
( China Daily)About 1 million candidates have applied for the 2009 national civil services examination, an increase of 25 percent over this year, the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security has said .

Altogether ,134 institutions directly under the central authorities and related sectors are likely to recruit more than 13,500 candidates next year, about 1o percent more than this year

The candidates have to be below 35 years,and will write the exam on Nov 30. Successful candidates will be called for interviews after next year’s Spring Festival.

The ministry accepted applications for “China’s hottest exams” from 8 am on October 15 to Saturday midnight.

“Fresh and would-be university and courage-graduates make up the majority of Candidates for the civil services exams, which have gained popularity in the past three or four years,” said Yu Tianxiao, an exam consultant with the Zhonggong education Group.

“The stable nature

( China Daily)About 1 million candidates have applied for the 2009 national civil services examination, an increase of 25 percent over this year, the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security has said .
(中国日报) 大约1百万人报考2009年国家公务员考试,与去年相比增长了25%,人力资源和社会保障部宣布。

Altogether ,134 institutions directly under the central authorities and related sectors are likely to recruit more than 13,500 candidates next year, about 1o percent more than this year

The candidates have to be below 35 years, and will write the exam on Nov 30. Successful candidates will be called for interviews after next year’s Spring Festival.
The ministry accepted applications for “China’s hottest exams” from 8 am on October 15 to Saturday midnight.
“Fresh and would-be university and courage-graduates make up the majority of Candidates for