
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/17 20:45:44
在选大学,要学服装设计,一所在旧金山,california college of the arts,想问一下旧金山这个城市算不算时尚.答案最好详细点,不要给我网上拉的东西,最好有居住经验的给点意见.

New York is the fashion capital of US, without any question. I think SF is not far behind. I have lived in three different US cities, the latest being San Francisco. Cpmpared to Boston and Miami, two other cities that I have lived. I would say SF is pretty fashionable. The city has a high education level, cosmopolitan (big city) feeling and a nice climate, so people tend to be thinner and like colors in their clothes better. That's just my opinion.