
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/05/21 22:03:35

注:由于本公司产品的品种数量多,故以上所列价格均为各个系列中主打产品的价格。同时,为鼓励顾客及早付清货款,公司给予顾客2/10 1/20的价格折扣。

在销售渠道的规划上公司坚信“渠道是企业重要的利润源”这一理念,以渠道结构以终端市场建设为中心,积极主动地推进渠道体制由金字塔型向扁平化方向发展,增加企业对渠道的控制力,促进了产品的销售量,实行复合渠道管理模式 。

注:由于本公司产品的品种数量多,故以上所列价格均为各个系列中主打产品的价格。同时,为鼓励顾客及早付清货款,公司给予顾客2/10 1/20的价格折扣。
Note: Since the Company has a large variety of products, the above listed prices are for the typical products in every series. In the same time in order to encourage customers to pay in full the payment for goods as early as possible the Company will give a discount of 2/10 1/20 for the customers.
Channel Strategy
在销售渠道的规划上公司坚信“渠道是企业重要的利润源”这一理念,以渠道结构以终端市场建设为中心,积极主动地推进渠道体制由金字塔型向扁平化方向发展,增加企业对渠道的控制力,促进了产品的销售量,实行复合渠道管理模式 。
In the planning of the sales channel the Company has firm faith in the idea, “Channel is an important profit source for an enterprise”, therefore it focuses on the construction of channel structure and terminal market, actively and positively promote the development of channel system from pyramid type towards flat model, so as to strengthen the control power of the enterprise on the channels, promote the sales volume of the products, and realize a composite man