
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/24 14:06:17
He was behind bars (意思相同)
He was _____ _____

He purchased the vase for 100 yuan(意思相同)
He______100 yuan______ the vase

How to deal with the problem is still a hard nut(意思相同)
_____to_____with the problem is still a hard nut

(behind bars 身陷监狱)
1.in prison (监狱)
2.paid...for (付款)
3.What solve(处理=deal with)

He was in prisnor 不知道啊对 因为我不懂 behind bars 是什么意思
He spent 100 yuan buying/purchasing the vase
What to do with the problems is still a hard nut

in jail
paid ...for
What ...do