高人帮我翻译一下把 我脑袋痛了

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/23 14:15:17
The Helmholtz coil constant, K, for a locally fabricated coil can either be calculated using the following formulas or measured. The calculated value offers accuracy of 5 to 10% when the coils are wound with normal care.Helmholtz constants are expressed in weber·centimeters per volt·second, which can be reduced to centimeters; the Model 480 Fluxmeter is designed for input of the Helmholtz coil constant in centimeters.



1.在赫姆霍兹线圈常数,为当地制造线圈可以计算使用下列公式或衡量。提供的计算值精度的5至10 %时,该线圈也创面正常care.Helmholtz常量表示韦伯厘米每伏秒,可减少到厘米;示范480 Fluxmeter是专为投入亥姆霍兹线圈常数厘米。