
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/05/28 11:34:25

cultured 有修养的,有教养的
anthropologist 人类学家,学人类学的学生
humankind 人类
cultural 文化的,文化上的
instinct 本能,天性,直觉
instinctive 本能的,天生的
pattern 方式,型
spider 蜘蛛
spin (蜘蛛)结(网),纺
web 网
basic 基本的,初步的
shelter 掩饰,保护。躲藏处,隐蔽处
disgust 使厌恶
disgusted 感到厌恶,反感
shock (使)震惊,(使)震动
shocked 感到震惊的
octopus 章鱼
juicy 多夜汁的
roast 烤过的,烤,炙(肉)
disgusting 令人厌恶的,令人作呕的
differ 不同,有异
bind 绑,缚,系
slope (使)倾斜,斜坡,斜面,倾斜,斜度
sloping 斜的,倾斜的
forehead 前额
scar 疤,伤痕
tattoo 文身,在....上刻花
insert 插入,嵌进
rouge 胭脂,口红。涂胭脂,抹口红
lipstick 唇膏
perfume 香水,香料
spray 喷雾,用作喷雾的液体
dispose 处理,处置
weapon 武器,兵器
jewelry 宝石饰物,珠宝,饰物
clay 粘土,陶土
dead 死的

Long long ago ,there was a spider,it spinned a web,by which it could capture insects to feed its babies.Of course,it is itsinstinctive.
The spider hide in the middle of the web,shletered itself,through this pattern,it wantted to attack some juicy insects,such as butterfly,or others.Immiediately,a butterfly dropped on the web,this spider bound it as soon as quickly,just by this basic technology of surviving,the spider had got more and more food day after day until its death.By reading the small story ,are you shocked by the spider's web's weapon like me?
