
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/15 07:12:30
Diary 2
We have one day for holiday each week in our factory, it’s Sunday.
I get up later usual in Sunday but not this Sunday, a friend of my visited me, so I had to pick him up in the station by bike. It was a long time that I hadn’t ride, but I still master it.
The air in the morning was very fresh and a little cool, but I feel comfortable. My friend was waiting in the station when I arrived. It was about one year I hadn’t see him since the last classmate party. He becomes more and more handsome, but he is still single.
He is one of my best friends. We did lots of interesting and unforgettable things in our life of the university. For example played computer games, played basketball, and played table tennis and so on. Now we are working in the difference places and seldom see each other.
After had lunch, I showed him around our beautiful village. I can feel that he was enjoying the view of our village.
To be contained

We have one day break each week in our factory -- Sunday.
I get up late than usual in Sundays except this one, because a friend of mine came to see me, and I had to pick him up in the station by bike. It has been quite while since my last ride, but I still not bad at it.
The air in the morning was very fresh and a little bit cool, but it feels comfortable. My friend was waiting in the station when I arrived. It had been about one year since we met at the last classmate renunion. He turned out to be more and more handsome, but still available.
He is one of my best friends. We did lots of interesting and unforgettable things together in the university, such as playing computer games, basketball, table tennis and so on. Now we are working in the difference places and have little chance to see each other.
After lunch, I showed him around our beautiful village. I can feel that he engjoyed the view.
To be continued.

1. 注意句子与句子之间的关联词,比如b