
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/05/12 14:58:54
Abrasive waterjet turning—An efficient method to profile and dress grinding wheels
While abrasive waterjet (AWJ) machining is nowadays a recognised technology for through cutting applications in a variety of materials (from composites [1] to aerospace alloys [2]), while other applications such as milling [3] and especially turning [4] still need to find their niche applications. By niche application, it is understood that the utilisation of the technology, i.e. AWJ turning, into a field in which other machining technologies can be applied with difficulty either due to their technological limitations (e.g. very difficult-to-cut materials) or their lack of cost efficiency (e.g. expensive tooling, low material removal rates (MRRs)). This pragmatic approach was encountered by the authors during a discussion with an experienced machining technologist whose comment was as follows: ‘‘Please give me an example of a component that can be machined better with AWJ turning than the current pr

turning-An磨料射流的有效方法和服饰砂轮轮廓 虽然磨料射流加工是当今AWJ(通过一个公认的技术应用于切割各种材料(从复合材料[1],[2]的航天合金,而其他的应用,如磨[3],尤其是转杯[4]还需要找到他们的特定领域。通过特定应用,它是可以理解的,即使用的技术。AWJ转到田间,在其它加工技术可以应用有困难或因他们的技术限制(例如:非常difficult-to-cut材料)或缺乏效率(例如模具费用低、材料去除率(MRRs))。这种务实的态度是遇到了作者在讨论与有经验的评论是加工阿尼哥分别如下:“请给我一个例子,可以更好地与AWJ车削加工工艺比目前我们已经到位,然后我就买你的项目”。这个评论,很明显,只有找到一个特定应用一个可以说服能力的AWJ转弯。