
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/18 16:46:48
既然你知道了事实, 为什么不告诉警察呢?
2) 我们正在考虑进行一次关于世博的竞赛.
3) 孩子们喜欢到一些没人去过的地方寻求刺激. (go…for)(excitement)
4) 既然你们是好朋友, 为什么不去帮助他呢?
5) 这是一个有许多年轻人的发展中的公司.
6) 这是一个新的园区,种着许多特别甜的水果.

1 Now that you know the truth, why do not you tell police?
2 We are considering a race on the Expo.
3 Children who did not enjoy some of the places people went to seek excitement.
4 Now that you are good friends, why do not you help him?
5 This is a lot of young people in the development of the company.
6 This is a new park, a lot of special kinds of sweet fruit.

1.since you've already known the truth, why don't you report to the police?
2.we are thinking about helding an expo contest.
3.children would like to go to some untreaded places for excitement
4.since you are good friends, why not give him a hand?
5.this is a developing company which has may young staff
6.this is a new plantation having many sweet fruits planted.

1) since you already know the truth, why don't you tell the police?
2) we are considering conducting a contest relating to the expo
3) youth like to go to places where no ones been