
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/05/10 20:00:25
We propose a single-provider model for on-demand air taxi services. Data from a discrete-event model support a ‘‘flow
model,” which describes the aggregate flow of passengers and aircraft for an air taxi service provider without specifying
event-level operation. Using a set of hypothetical scenarios for air taxi network operation, we evaluate the accuracy of
the flow model against the outputs of the discrete-event model. Finally, we illustrate how the flow model can be applied
towards the optimal pricing of passenger fares for a single air taxi service provider.
With recent advances in very light jet (VLJ) technology, the concept of an on-demand air taxi service is
moving closer to reality. VLJ generally refers to single-pilot aircraft, seating between three to seven passengers
with a maximum takeoff weight not exceeding 10,000 lbs (Croft, 2006). These aircraft are built to cruise at
higher velocities and altitudes than traditional piston-powered

经过近段时间轻型喷气机技术(VLJ)的发展,按需空中的士服务的概念正逐渐与现实接轨。VLJ常常是指单飞行员驾驶飞机,驾驶员常常坐在3-7个乘客之间,而最大机载负重往往不能超过10000磅(Croft, 2006)。这些飞机是为了能以相对于以往传统的活塞式飞机而言更快的速度和更高的海拔飞行而制造的。除此之外,相对低廉的运行和生产费用使其有大规模生产和以相对旧式飞行器更低的价格出售给潜在消费者的可能(Croft, 2006)。2006年,第一班轻型喷气机正式利用于远程空中乘客搭载服务(Miller, 2006)。
通过利用这些技术发展带来的好处,一些新兴的空中的士供应商正处于他们大规模商业运转的初级阶段。他们中的一个佼佼者——2007年开始运转的白日喷气机公司在佛罗里达的五家机场提供了单席、按需空运服务。白日喷气机公司的最初服务模式是允许一名消费者在他们的一架单程或返程飞机上购买一个单独的座位。一旦买下座位,消费者可以依据支付的票价为自己指定一个“旅行窗口” (DayJet, 2007)。

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Data from a discrete-event model support a ‘‘flow
model,” which describes the aggregate flow of passengers and aircraft for an air taxi service provider without specifying
event-level operation.

we evaluate the accuracy of
the flow model against the outputs of the discrete-event model.