来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/08 09:43:15

May Day Long Holidays, Kept or Cancelled?
Recently, we carried out a survey on whether the May Day long holidays should be cancelled or kept by means of questionnaire. The results are as fellows:
About 24% of the surveyed people are in favour of the canceling. The defenders state that the May Day long holidays contribute to many problems. For a start, many tourists choose to travel during the long holidays; as a consequence, the traffic, whether the train or the plane, is very crowded, which, of course, brings a lot of inconveniences to the people who need to make regular trips. It is an accepted fact that every tourist attraction can only receive a certain number of visitors, but now with the tourists flowing in, the scenic spots are damaged and some cultural relics are ruined. Anyway, none of us, including the visitors, is willing to see the consequence.
However, another 76% are strongly against the canceling. May is a good time for outing and to experience sprin