
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/24 13:48:37
上午 你用零花钱给母亲买了一些鲜花,放在花瓶内
下午 你去市场买菜,为一家人做了一顿简单而可口的饭菜
晚饭后 你送给母亲自己做的贺卡,并祝她节日快乐;告诉母亲要注意自己的健康,不哟啊过度劳累,你还保证今后会帮助她做一些家务劳动;母亲感动得留下了眼泪。

注意: 1. 词数80-100个左右。
2. 日记的开头和结尾已经为你写好,不计入总词数。
3. 日记包括所有内容要点,上不要逐句翻译,可适当加入细节和适当发挥,使其通顺、连贯。
参考词汇:pocket money 零花钱 vase n. 花瓶 overwork v. 过度劳累 be moved to tears 感动得流泪

11th May Sunday Rainy
Today is Mother's Day. I love Mother so much that I've done many things for her.
In the morning I bought ________________________________________________________________
Today is a special day, warm and meaningful.

11th May Sunday Rainy
Today is Mother's Day. I love Mother so much that I've done many things for her.
In the morning I bought some flowers with my pocket money and put them into the vase,in the afternoon,i went to the market to buy vegetables and meat,when i got home,i made a simple but delicious meal for my family.After dinner,i send a card to my mother,which is made by myself,and told her:happy mothers' day!I also told her to take care of herself,don't overdo,and i promised her that i would help her in doing the housework in the future,my mother was moved to tears,she was very happy!

Nowadays, it is a commonplace that children own startle amount of pocket money. These new moneybags never earned one dollar but had glorious consumptive point of view. As far as I am concerned, we should decrease their pocket money. The reasons can be listed as following.

First , money produce negative effect on children. As I can see, there are few child