
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/24 05:04:02
(我很抱歉,一天之内发错了两次邮件,把A的附件添加到了B,我以后会小心不在犯错!请原谅! 请以最后发的邮件为准)翻译

I have sent out wrong email with wrong attachment, and I am so sorry that I made the same mistake twice a day. I promise I will be more cautious in future and will never make the same mistake again. Look forward to your kind forgiveness.

I am sorry, one day made a mistake two rounds of mail, I'll be careful not to make mistakes! Please forgive me!

I am sorry, one day made a mistake two rounds of mail, I'll be careful not to make mistakes! Please forgive me!

I am sorry for making mistakes in sending mails twice a day. I'll be more careful to avoid mistakes! Please forgive me!

I am sorry, one day made a mistake two rounds of mail, I'll be careful not to make mistakes! Please forgive me!

I am sorry, one day made a mistake two rounds of mail, I'll be careful not to make mistakes! Please forgive me!