
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/05/13 10:48:57

Usage: masm /options source(.asm),[out(.obj)],[list(.lst)],[cref(.crf)][;]

/a Alphabetize segments
/b<number> Set I/O buffer size, 1-63 (in 1K blocks)
/c Generate cross-reference
/d Generate pass 1 listing
/D<sym>[=<val>] Define symbol
/e Emulate floating point instructions and IEEE format
/I<path> Search directory for include files
/l[a] Generate listing, a-list all
/M{lxu} Preserve case of labels: l-All, x-Globals, u-Uppercase Globals
/n Suppress symbol tables in listing
/p Check for pure code
/s Order segments sequentially
/t Suppress messages for successful assembly
/v Display extra source statistics
/w{012} Set warning level: 0-None, 1-Serious, 2-Advisory
/X List false conditionals
/z Display source line for each error message
/Zi Generate symbolic information for CodeView
/Zd Generate line-number information