
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/06 00:27:49

IT'S an amazing change when a caterpillar (毛毛虫) turns into a butterfly. That just might explain Taiwan singer Jolin Tsai's choice of name for her latest album.

On March 27, Tsai will release Flower Butterfly (《花蝴蝶》), her first album for Warner, the company she signed to recently.

The 28-year-old Tsai is known for the challenges she takes on. This time it is ballet. For the video that goes with the album, she had to pirouette (用脚尖旋转) 20 times without stopping. It was hard going. When she started training she couldn't even manage to spin (旋转) three times.

"It took me longer to learn the move than anything I've ever tried!" she said.

If the ballet was hard, the photo for the album art may have been harder. Tsai had to hang upside down from a wire for an hour. It was so that her shadow (影子) would seem like a butterfly spreading its wings.

But Tsai is facing another challenge. Her old record company, EMI w