
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/05 13:52:13
Until 1995, Bayer Corporation operated under the names of its subsidiaries (Mobay Corporation, Miles Inc., Agfa Corporation, and others). The consumer products division, which was part of Miles, sold such well-known brands as Alka-Seltzer, One-A-Day Vitamins, Bugs Bunny Vitamins, Flintstone Vitamins and SOS Soap Pads. The company knew from market research that only about 1 per cent of consumers knew that Miles made Alka-Seltzer, but the company did not really care, so long as consumers associated the product with over-eating.

Bayer集团以它的子公司(Mobay,Miles,Agfa 和其他)的名义运营直到1995年. 消费者产品部门作为是Miles的一部分,销售了非常著名的品牌像Alka-Seltzer, One-A-Day Vitamins, Bugs Bunny Vitamins, Flintstone Vitamins and SOS Soap Pads。 公司从市场调查了解到只有1%的消费者知道Miles制造了Alka-Seltzer,但是公司并未真正给予关注,因为只要消费者能在吃多的时候联想到这个产品就行了。