
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/25 03:21:06
我叫** 06年毕业于******学校 ,我现在在*******工作,

My name is ****** ** graduated from the School in 2006, I now ******* at work

My name is xxx.I'm guruanted from xxx in 2006,and now I am working as xxx(职位) in xxx.

hello,sir,I am happy to be here today to have the interview and introduce myself .My name is XX,I'm guruanted from xxx in 2006,and now I am working as xxx(职位) in xxx.My mayor is XXXX,and I have pasted CET-4(CET-6),I have a good commend of both spoken and wroten English ...
