托尼莫里森 的beloved 故事梗概

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/05/15 05:12:48
不是要什么黑人的意义啊 就是主要人物的主要情节 像小故事一样的 不是中心思想 看过的人帮帮忙 感激

本书通过逃亡女黑奴塞丝的经历,深刻揭露了奴隶制及对黑人心理的影响,它甚至超过了他们所受的苦难本身,本书意义深刻,是现代文学的经典之作。 《宠儿》堪称美国黑人历史的一座纪念碑。主要情节取材于一个真实的历史故事。小说中的主人公——女黑奴塞丝怀着身孕只身从肯塔基的奴隶庄园逃到俄亥俄的辛辛那提,奴隶主循踪追至,为了使儿女不再重复自己做奴隶的悲惨命运,她毅然杀死了自己的一个女儿。虽然这已是18年前的往事,但往事的梦魇一刻也不曾停止过对塞丝的纠缠…… 《宠儿》获1987年度普利策奖。1998年,《宠儿》被搬上银幕,著名电视主持人奥普拉·温芙蕾饰演塞丝。

The book follows the story of blacks Sethe (pronounced "Seth-uh") and her daughter Denver as they try to rebuild their lives after having escaped from slavery. One day, a young lady shows up at their house, saying that her name is "Beloved." Sethe comes to believe that the girl is another of her daughters, whom Sethe murdered by slitting her throat with a handsaw when she was only two years old to save her from a life of slavery, and whose tombstone reads "Beloved." It was thought, at first, that Beloved's real name was Liz Granacher, but that is shown to be false later. Beloved's return consumes Sethe to the point where she ignores her other daughter and even her own ne