
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/22 14:51:47
放缓人民币升值步伐,给出口企业以喘息之机。为了抑制过高的贸易顺 差给人民币带来的升值压力,自去年以来国家陆续出台了多项政策,的确达到了预期目标,今年上半年的贸易顺差同比下降。但目前国际金融海啸横扫整个欧美世界,流动性偏紧,中国企业又面临海外买家拖欠账款的问题,中国政府理应考虑放缓人民币升值步伐,中国出口企业因此得以喘息之机,积极应对国际市场的信用风险问题。

大内需,消化国际市场需求不足,缓解企业运营困难。面对海外市场的动荡,中国政府应积极调整有关外贸政策,以财政政策刺激国内需求。中国出口型生产企业,可以根据国内市场的 需求大力拓展国内市场,弥补国外市场销售萎缩的局面,这在一定程度上会解决国内公司现金流紧张的现状。

People's Bank of National Bank of swaps and other credit information. At present, the People's Bank has been established at the domestic personal and business credit information systems, domestic enterprises can query the system through the credit status of domestic enterprises. However, the system can not provide the creditworthiness of foreign enterprises. Proposed the People's Bank of China's major export country of the central bank (such as the United States, Germany, the United Kingdom, Japan and Korea, etc.) information exchange mechanism set up enterprises. If you can set up such a service platform for domestic enterprises to pay for access to credit services; avoid domestic enterprises in international markets suffered a credit crisis and the accounts receivable are in arrears or even fraud. This credit information services, not only be able to meet the needs of enterprises, commercial banks also be able to meet the needs of the credit risk control.