How to use the Washing Machine(120-150 words)

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/25 05:41:45
How to Use the Washing Machine

Instructions: . write a set of instructions of about 120-150 words on how to use a washing machine

Remember to use at least five of the following process markers:
first second next at the same time
(and) then after that … finally

Washing machines may have different technology, but ultimately have the same features and purposes. They all require the proper settings, soap, water and clothes to wash. Yet, there are some things you should know to properly use a washing machine. Follow these steps for success in doing your laundry.

First,raed thoroughly your washing machine owner's manual. These instructions are designed for your particular washing machine. If you don't have an owner's manual, read the button control labels on your washing machine to get an idea of what they do.
Second,Sort your clothes. You should wash white or light-colored clothes together and dark-colored clothes together. Clothes should be further sorted according to their material. Heavy fabrics should be washed together and light fabrics should be washed together.
Third,Add detergent to your washing machine. Follow the instructions on the detergent box. The detergent should go on the bottom of the washing