
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/05 22:09:40
爸妈你们好: 最近一切都好吗?非常挂念您二老。 进来我们搬了家,一节都很好,新房子很靠近quan li的学校。quan li已经上了高中2年纪了,在我们现在住的这个区,这个学校算是不错的,这个学校里,华人比较多,所以成绩都还是算高的。李全的英文现在也不错了,也有自己的朋友。一切也都习惯了。胡丽洁也上班了,工作也稳定。而且不累,单我们都是很想念您二老的。quan li马上就要放暑假了。我工作也不是很忙。所以,我们都很想你们能过来看看。这里气候非常好,赶上我们都有时间。我带你们去各处走走,看看。quan li一定会很开心。 随心寄去办理签证所需要的材料,马上去办手续。等候你们的好消息。

Dear Mam and Dad:
How are you going?I miss you so much.Not so long ago we've moved our house,everything is fine,the new house is close to Quan Li's school,he's at grade 2 of a senior high school which is not bad in our area that we live in.There are so many Chinese people in the school,so he dose well in his subjects.Quan Li's English is better now,have some friends,and he is used to everything.Lijie Hu has a work now,it's stable and easy.And we are all miss you so much.Quan Li's summer holiday is coming soon,and I'm not so busy about my work,so,we hope you can come here.The weather is so great,and we are all have time,so we can take you out to many places.Quan Li must be very happy.The documents about visa are enclosed in the letter,just go to fix up them.Waiting for your good news.Good luck!


Well your parents: Recently you all is well? You miss a very old couple. Moved into our home an