最终幻想Versus 13的英文介绍!!!

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/21 18:26:09
谁有最终幻想Versus 13的英文介绍啊~~~~类似任务介绍剧情之类的,剧情大概就好,我也知道它每日出来呢!

在发布会的短片中显示,游戏舞台在一个近现代的世界观,主角是王族的人,他所在的王国是代代都在守护水晶。主角的穿着就像个普通的现代人,但拿着机枪攻击他的人全都穿着中古世纪的铠甲。这群人是来自外面的世界,而主角就是要从他们的袭击之下保护水晶。从制作人员的访问中,‘FF’作品之中,都不曾以现代为故事舞台,而这个世界是影射我们的世界。而剧情方面也有实际引用莎士比亚的名言:“There is nothing either good or bad, but thinking makes it so.(世间本无善恶,端看个人想法)”(注:哈姆雷特第二幕第二景的台词)。只有主角的世界是近现代,不过外面还有其他世界,并不是全部以现实世界存在的事物为题材。

Final Fantasy Versus XIII is an action role-playing game developed and published by Square Enix exclusively for the Sony PlayStation 3 video game console.Alongside Final Fantasy XIII and Final Fantasy Agito XIII, the game is a part of the Fabula Nova Crystallis Final Fantasy XIII compilation. Unveiled at E3 2006, the game focuses on a mysterious protagonist who is the last heir of a dynasty ruling over the only remaining city to control crystals. Under unforeseen circumstances, he makes a stand against marauders seeking to take the crystal as their own.

Final Fantasy Versus XIII is, according to its developers, a wholly independent story unfolding with different characters and a different visual design. Although it is set within the same Final Fantasy XIII universe, it is unrelated to any other entry within the compilation and is thus neither a sequel nor a prequel to any other entries in Fabula Nova Crystallis: Final Fantasy XIII.

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