
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/24 03:59:58
牛奶@咖啡是2005出道的,他们的第一张专辑是《燃烧吧!小宇宙》。主唱是Kiki(富妍)键盘手是格非。牛奶@咖啡组合还参加过奥运歌曲《We are ready》的演唱。
“牛奶@咖啡”的音乐就像他们的名字一样,清新而醇厚。与其它组合不同,格非扎实的古典钢琴和弦乐基础,让“牛奶@咖啡”散发出与众不同的新古典浪漫气息。KiKi 清甜、干净的声线,配以格非个性的编曲,酿造出新鲜而富有营养的好音乐!
摩登天空首支流行组合“牛奶@咖啡”出道不到一年便以难得的超人气在乐坛迅速串红,并取得了一连串骄人的成绩:由主唱 KiKi 笔下童话人物—Lasia 为主人公的首支单曲《Lasia》在推出仅两周后便冲入中国歌曲排行榜三甲,更获得全国百家电台一致好评。

Milk @ coffee is the 2005 debut of their first album are "burning it! Small universe. " Yes singer Kiki (Fu Yan) are Gefei keyboard. Milk @ coffee portfolio also participated in the Olympic Games song "We are ready" concert.

"Milk @ coffee" in the name of the music as they like, fresh and mellow. Combination with other different Gefei solid foundation of classical piano string, so that "milk @ coffee," emitting a distinctive neo-classical romantic. KiKi sweet, clean sound lines, with non-personalized cell arrangement, brewing a fresh and nutritious good music!

The first popular modern combination of the sky "milk @ coffee" will debut in less than a year to the ultra-rare rapid string of popular music at the red, and made a series of impressive achievements: KiKi described by the singer-Lasia fairy tale characters for the first character single "Lasia" only two weeks after the launch into the top th