
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/20 12:53:58


Role and family relationship
Family life very important special (这里要用especial,他写错了) during the normal life and going.
Family provides support (这里他少写一个p) of belonging shared time together expression of love and affection.
Family also provide assistance such as financial support and the quality of life.
In today day and age where we live at very fast pace it is easy to see some of the problems aged people face of isolation and loving need.
I hope that I have here attempted to answer some of the issues the aged people face of today

Role and family relationship
Family life very important __ during the normal life and going.
Family provides __ of belonging __ __ __ __ expression of love and affection.
Family also provide __such as financial support and the quality of life.
In today day and age where we live at very fast pace it is easy to see some of