
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/20 17:17:06


东西方文化在宗教信仰与历史典故中, 存在着极大的差异. 西方人多信奉基督教, 认为上帝创造一切, 宗教多有" 圣经" , " 洗礼" , " 修女" , " 教堂" , " 上帝" 等词汇. 而中国人信奉佛教, 道教, 多有" 玉帝" , " 观音" , " 菩萨" , " 佛主" , " 慈悲为怀" 等宗教词汇. 在中国文化中, 历史典故丰富多彩, 如" 盘古开天" , " 牛郎织女" , " 项庄舞剑" , " 卧薪尝胆" 等等. 在西方文化中, 许多历史典故来源于古希腊和罗马神话及圣经故事. 请看例句:
You are just a doubting Thomas. You won? t believe what I tell you.
这句话中的doubting Thomas源 于圣经故事, Thomas是 耶稣的12门 徒之一, 此人生性多疑. 后来, 英语中使用doubting Thomsa表 示多疑之人. 理解了其中的文化内涵, 我们便可以将其译为: 你这个人真多疑, 我说什么你都不信.
Being a teacher is being present at the creation, when the clay beings begin to breathe.
基督教认为, 上帝创造了人, 而人来自尘土. 因此, 英语中creation指 " 上帝" . 而clay指 " 上帝创造的人" . 理解了creation和 clay这 两个词的宗教涵义后, 就可将原文译为: 老师是创造的见证人, 目睹生命呼吸成长.
东西方文化中不同的宗教信仰和历史典故浸透在各自的语言表达之中, 只有深刻了解东西方文化个性的差异, 理解语言中的文化内涵, 才能避免错译, 误译, 使翻译真正起

In eastern and western culture and religious beliefs and historical allusion, there exist differences. More than westerners think god create Christianity, all, religion has "bible", "baptism", "sister", "church", "god", etc. And Chinese vocabulary belief in Buddhism, Taoism, is "the jade emperor," "guanyin bodhisattva," ", "the Lord Buddha" and "merciful" and other religious vocabulary. In Chinese culture, history, such as "colorful story," gu kaitian cowherd ", "XiangZhuang perform sword", "WoXinChangDan" etc. In western culture, many historical allusion from ancient Greek and Roman mythology and bible stories. Example:
Can You are making a glasses that Thomas ? t tell You I hope.
This sentence in the making Thomas source bible stories, Thomas is one of the twelve doors and Jesus, who is suspicious. Later, making use of English Thomsa table and