
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/22 01:10:49
如题,求英国王政复辟时期的戏剧剧本,非常紧急!谢谢!Restoration Theatre/Drama.


The Norman Conquest
In AD1066, William of Normandy landed his army in England. He defeated the Saxon king Harold and the English soldiers, and became the king of England and the feudal system was firmly established in England.
The main consequences of Norman Conquest
a strong central government: Williams of Normandy and his French-speaking followers
a new unified discipline and control to England; intermarriage: between the conquerors and the ruling Saxon families; Contacts between England and France were greatly increased.
the official language: French
the French influence grew so strong that many aspects of England’s social and cultural life became totally French.
establishment of the feudal system.
• the Wars of the Roses: It is the name given to the struggle (1455-1485) for the throne of England between two branches of the English royal family: the houses of Lancaster, whose badges was red rose, and York,