
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/05/24 04:08:32
我们小组要做一个关于Creativity的Presentation,想在里面穿插进一个小游戏,要与主题Creation 有关,由于时间有限,最好把这个游戏定在3分钟以内。各位大虾有什么好的建议吗?
对不起,主题是Creativity,不是Creation 。是大学课堂上玩的,不要太天真哦!谢了!

: Guessing a famous person其步骤如下:
要求任意一个学生到黑板上写一个人的名字,要求必须是健在的名人。然后老师来猜。老师提出一些描述人的问题,学生只需要回答yes 或者no就可以。就算老师早早的就知道答案,也应该将描述人的常见问题都涉及到。这样在不知不觉中学生就学到了他们应掌握的知识,比老师单纯的一句句地教学生要强许多。常用问题如下:
Is it a man? (gender)
Is he/she young? (age)
Is he/she single? (marriage)
Is he /she an American? (nationality)
Does he/she like sports? (hobbies)
Is he/she a black? (complexion)
Is he/she tall? (height)
Is he/she handsome/pretty? (appearance)
Is he/she a politician? (occupation)


全班分成若干个小组。 教师准备一张城市街道的地图(可参阅义教初中课本第二册第35课的插图)。游戏开始, 甲乙组各上来一名同学, 一人问路,另一人答。问路的可先在地图上指一下出发地点,说:“It's here.”然后两人开始如下对话:

A: Excuse me. Where is the nearest post office? (或: Is there a post office near here? 或: Which is the way to the nearest post office?)(去的目的地由问路人自己 确定)

B: Walk along this street, and take the third turning on the right. It抯 about a hundred metres on the left. (根据地图实际情况回答)

A: Thank you very much.