介绍台湾 英语作文

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/21 20:33:30
1 台湾的地理位置
2 景色宜人,以日月潭和阿里山而出名
3 台湾人很友好
4 在台湾可以享受各种各样的美食
5 每年世界成千上万的人到这里旅游和购物
6 希望两岸早日统一

NANTOU, Taiwan: When more than 40 mainland tourists swarmed into his Hsiang-hsi Restaurant near the Sun Moon Lake for lunch on Sunday, Chang Shui-yuen started getting nervous.

The restaurant near the popular tourist attraction in central Taiwan found it difficult to keep up with the crowd.

Chang had to rope in his son and daughter to help serve dishes.

"I have been expecting more mainland tourists," said Chang, 61, a native of Nantou.

"But now that they are here, I suddenly feel we don't have enough time on our hands."

The restaurant owner was referring to the arrival of the first mainland tour group to the island on Friday, in what has been hailed as a milestone in closer cross-Straits exchanges.

More than 750 mainland tourists from five cities - Beijing, Shanghai, Xiamen, Nanjing and Guangzhou - landed in Taiwan on a weekend charter flight, the first of regular cross-Straits ones in alm