
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/23 03:27:03
是齐文化的主要发祥地,中国历史文化名城。公元前 11 世纪,周武王封姜太公于齐,建立周代齐国。自太公封齐建国至秦并六国,临淄作为春秋五霸之首、战国七雄之冠的周代齐国都城长达 800 多年,姜太公、齐桓公、管仲、晏婴、司马,田齐威王和宣王以及孙膑 、邹忌、田单等明君贤臣,使临淄成为“距于长安”的东方名都,使齐文化成为华夏文化中唯一开放务实的文化。临淄成为中国东方文化中心。 《 孙子兵法 》 为世界第一兵书,中国历史上第一部农业科学巨著 ——《 齐民要术 》 ,中国第一部工科巨著 《 考工记 》 都是总结临淄一带工农业生产经验写成的,还有 《 管子 》 等世界名著。姜太公,成就东方盟主的齐桓公,齐威王等名君,还有管仲、晏婴、邹忌等名相,以及著名军事家田穰苴、孙膑、田单,唐朝开国元勋房玄龄,神医扁鹊,大文学家左思、左芬,清朝文学家赵执信、王渔洋,世界短篇小说之王蒲松龄等历史名人。悠久的历史,为临淄留下了大量的文物古迹,被誉为宏大的“地下博物馆”,如巧夺天工的排水道口,壮观雄伟的城墙残垣,举世闻名的东周殉马坑,奕世相传的孔子闻韶处,气势巍峨的田齐王陵;星罗棋布的临淄古墓群,令人叹为观止的后李殉车马等。辖区内有全国重点文物保护单位 3 处,省级 5 处,市区级四十九处, 150 座大型古墓, 300 余处文物古迹

Culture is the birthplace of Qi, the Chinese historical and cultural city. 11th century BC, Jiang Taigong周武王closure于齐, the establishment of the Zhou Dynasty Qi.太公letters from the Qin and Qi to the six countries, as the Spring and Autumn五霸Linzi first crown of the Warring States Period of the Zhou Qi-Xiong Qi capital of up to 800 years, Jiang Taigong,齐桓公, Guan Zhong,晏婴, Sima, Tin King and Emperor WEI of QI and Sun Bin,邹忌, Tiandan贤臣Mingjun, etc., so Linzi become a "distance in the Chang'an" of all the East, so that Chinese culture as a homogeneous culture the only pragmatic and open culture. Linzi has become China Eastern culture. "The Art of War" as the world's first兵书, China's agricultural science and history of a masterpiece - "Qi Min Yao Shu", China's first engineering masterpiece, "Kao Gong Ji" are summed up the experience of Linzi written in the vicinity of industrial and agricultural production and there are "tubes&quo