竞争是必要的 演讲稿 英文的

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/22 14:52:52

你好, fj0302

Competition is necessary

When we were students, some of us had positive experience with competition, while others had experiences that were more often painful or at best not very enjoyable. As adults, we commonly take that view of competition that we formed when we were students ourselves, and then apply it to what we believe is appropriate and right for our students and/or children; consequently, we may be operating from unexamined assumptions. As a result, it is possible that our students are paying the price for our lack of awareness.

The definition of human competition is a contest in which there are two or more people engage in a contest where typically only one or a few participants will win and others will not (Webster, 2007). By definition competition exists when there is a scarcity of a desired outcome. Individuals and/or groups are then in a position that they must vie for t