
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/14 01:39:34
最好说英文名字 谢谢


1508 Pastoral Scene (Fete Champetre)
1510 The Concert
1510 La Schiavona
1511-12 Noli Me Tangere
1513-14 The Three Ages of Man
1513-15 Woman with a Mirror
1514 Sacred and Profane Love
1516 Portrait of a Man in a Red Cap
1519-26 Madonna with saints and members of the Pesaro family

1523-24 Bacchus and Ariadne
1523-25 Bacchanal of the Andrians
1523-25 Laura dei Dianti
1525 Venus Anadyomene (Venus Emerging from the Sea)
1536-38 Woman in a Fur Coat
1538 Venus of Urbino
1544-45 Portrait of Doge Andrea Gritti
1548 The Emperor Charles V on Horseback, in Muehlberg
1548-49 Venus and Cupid with an Organist
1550 Venus and Cupid with a Partridge
1554 Danae and the Shower of Gold
1555 Venus and Adonis
1555 Venus with a Mirror
1559 Diana and Actaeon
1559 Diana and Callisto
1559-62 Annunciation
1559-62 Rape of Europa