
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/09 13:41:32
作文是关于乐于助人的 有四幅图 一个是公交车上让座位 一个是扶老人上楼梯 还有一个是义务献血和捐款 描述下四幅图 然后再写上对乐于助人的看法

Helping Others
One day Liu Dong took a bus for school.In the bus he saw a granny standing behind him.Liu Dong gave up his seat to her at once.Another day Liu Dong went home from school.When going upstairs,he saw an old man who was going upstairs with difficulty.Liu Dong helped the old man.And one Sunday afternoon Liu Dong raised money for the poor students.Liu Dong is a good student.
In fact,helping others is a pleasure!I would like to do something to help people in need.