你是唯一一个我想嫁的人 英文

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/20 19:17:32

You are the only man that I want to marry.

You are the only person who I want to be married.

You're the only one that I want to get married with.

You are the only one I want to marry.

you are the only one that i want to marry
you are the only one that i want to be/get married to

两种说法都行 ,不能用with吧.
Jane is going to marry John. 简就要嫁给约翰了.
be/get married (to sb) (与某人)结婚 * He's married to a famous writer. 他娶了一位名作家.
She marries wit and/with scholarship in her writing. 她的写作中融合了智慧和学识.

/ ˈmærɪ; ˋmærɪ/ v (pt, pp married)
[I, Tn] take (sb) as a husband or wife 与(某人)结婚; 嫁或娶(某人): They married (when they were) young. 他们年轻轻就结了婚. * She didn't marry until she was over fifty. 她直到五十多岁才结婚. * He married again six months after the divorce. 他离婚后半年就又结婚了. * Jane is going to marry John. 简就要嫁给约翰了.
[Tn] (of a clergyman or civil