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来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/24 14:13:33
Back in 2003 that might have all sounded a bit alarmist. True, there had been a couple of years of uncertainty after the dotcom crash. But most players were trying to get back to “business as usual”… the comfortable old world of verticalized manufacturing and marketing.
What has happened in the last two years shows that Gerard Kleisterlee was absolutely right… and right to make Philips an “early adopter” and “trend setter” in breakthrough business transformation. Convergence, commoditization and the global spread of the “Knowledge Economy” have destroyed the old comfort zones.

最近两年来发生的事表明Gerard Kleisterlee 完全正确,并正确地使飞利浦在突破性的商业转型中变成了“先适应者”和“趋势制造者”。集约化,便利化和“知识经济”的全球扩散已经摧毁了旧的舒适地带(商业模式)。

在 2003年 这些话可能听起来有点危言耸听。的确,在网络泡沫经济破灭之后的几年经济确实不稳定,但大多数电子业经营人士都正努力使电子业恢复元气,回到原来那个垂直化生产营销的舒适世界。