
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/18 16:42:54

The Shawshank Redemption
1.Fear can hold you prisoner. Hope can set you free. A strong man can save himself. A great man can save another.
2.I guess it comes down to a simple choice:get busy living or get busy dying.
3.Hope is a good thing, maybe the best of things, and no good thing ever dies
4."some birds aren't meant to be caged, that's all. Their feathers are just too bright..."
5.These walls are kind of funny like that. First you hate them, then you get used to them. Enough time passed, get so you depend on them. That`s institutionalized.
监狱里的高墙实在是很有趣。刚入狱的时候,你痛恨周围的高墙;慢慢地,你习惯了生活在其中;最终你会发现自己不得不依靠它而生存。 这就是体制化。
6.I find I`m so excited. I can barely sit still or hold a thought in my head. I think it the excitement only a free man can feel, a free man at the start of a lon