
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/20 05:19:29
在通过论述物流成本的内涵及降低物流成本是对天津天达物流公司具有实际的意义。剖析了当前天津天达物流公司物流成本管理存在的问题并提出了加强和完善企业物流成本管理的几项措施。天津天达物流公司通过节约流通成本,提供增值服务,创造企业竞争优势,成为现代化的物流企业。物流成本管理就是通过成本去管理物流,本文说明天津天达物流公司以控制成本为手段的物流管理方法。天津天达物流公司经过多年的发展已经具备了相当规模,但是从总体上还不能适应经济发展的需要,物流成本偏高、与国际先进水平还有很大的差距。由此可见,天津天达物流公司必须要通过物流成本管理有效地把物流成本降下来。随着我国物流市场的开放,国外物流企业的进入,如何降低物流企业运营成本,增加物流企业竞争力,成为天津天达物流公司当前亟待解决的问题。国际上普遍将物流称为“降低成本的最后边界”,是在降低原材料消耗、提高劳动生产率之后的“第三利润源泉”。于是企业逐渐将目光转向“第三利润源”的物流。通过物流成本分析找差距、查原因、研究成本的真实情况,籍以揭露物流环节中的主要矛盾,挖掘企业的潜在力量,寻求克服薄弱环节的途径,提出降低物流成本的具体措施,以保证物流成本的不断降低。为此我的论文题目为天津天达物流公司的物流成本管理 .

Through the exposition of the meaning of logistics costs and reduce logistics cost is a logistics company in Tianjin Tianda realistic significance. Analysis of current-day logistics company in Tianjin logistics cost management problems and put forward to strengthen and perfect the logistics of a number of cost management measures.Tianjin-day logistics of the flow through cost savings and provide value-added services, create competitive advantage, into a modern logistics enterprises. Logistics cost management is to manage the adoption of the cost of logistics, Tianjin Tianda This article describes the logistics company as a means to control the cost of logistics management. Tianjin Tianda logistics companies after years of development has had a considerable scale, but in general still can not meet the needs of economic development, logistics, high cost, with the international advanced level there is still a gap.It can be seen, Tianjin Tianda logistics companies must be cost managemen