
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/25 20:57:09
Secretive iron-ore price-contract talks between the world's biggest miners and steelmakers are breaking in favor of the steelmakers, which will likely win steep discounts from last year's prices.

'The period of huge profits for imported iron ore is over,' predicts China Iron & Steel Association General Secretary Shan Shanghua.

This week, Posco, one of the world's biggest steelmakers, said that because of the economy and weak demand, iron-ore prices should be half their 2008 levels, which would mean 2009 prices of about $40 to $45 a metric ton.

Posco expects the negotiations -- which had stalled as both iron-ore producers and steelmakers waited for a clear picture of the global economy -- will wrap up this month. Some smaller iron-ore producers, including Fortescue Metals Group Ltd. in Australia, were preparing for at least a 30% cut in current prices.




浦项预计,铁矿石价格谈判将于本月结束。由于铁矿石生产商和钢铁生产商曾经都想等待全球经济形势明朗化,这一谈判一度停顿。包括澳大利亚公司Fortescue Metals Group Ltd.在内的一些中小型铁矿石生产商已表示,它们准备把铁矿石价格在目前水平上至少下调30%。