
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/17 05:14:22
是一个男唱的.只记得高潮部分他一直在唱..i give my all,my time.my body,my love,my money......什么什么的..知道的麻烦说一下歌名`

Farewell My Love

  My heart is aching, I can’t stand this pain.

  Just when I thought you would go away I find out how bad you truly hurt me

  Once wasn’t enough, you had to make it twice?

  Oh wait; those are the only ones I actually know about…

  To believe you in your lies to believe you in your deception

  I was a continuous fool in trusting the words from your slanderous mouth

  I gave you my heart, my body, my soul

  I gave you every piece of my life

  My studies, my time, my money, my house

  Now where do I turn when I know it was all part of your larger plan?

  What do I do when I realize I was the fool over and over again?

  One time hurt like a blade through the heart

  The next day you are at my door “crying” in apology

  Two times I should have put my foot down

  The next day you followed me to class to expre