这是一条步行上山的路 用英语怎么说

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/08 10:54:27

This is a walk path to the mountain while another route is for car ride.

This is a road to walk to the top of the mountain,and the other one is for driving cars to the top.

This is a road walk to the mountain

One road is to the top of mountain by walking,
another one is for bus.

This path lead to the top of the mountain,there is another road that would take us to the top by car.

This is a walking up the road.

学校组织登山活动,上山的平均步行速度是每小时3千米...... 步行用英语怎么拼写 水是如何上山的? 我打算去泰山游玩,坐火车,大概晚上23点左右到泰安,然后步行上山,夜间上山的人多不多? 求一条从铁炉堡到雷霆崖最近的步行路线 一个人步行5千米,如果骑自行车每1千米比步行少用8分,那么他骑自行车的速度是步行的多少倍? 甲步行每小时行4.8千米,乙骑自行车每行1千米比步行少用8.5分钟骑自行车的速度是步行的多少倍? 有人步行每小时5千米,骑自行车比步行每千米少用8分钟,其自行车的速度是步行的几倍? 小明每小时步行5千米,骑车比步行每小时少用8分钟,问骑车速度是步行的几倍 请问贵州人民出版社出版的《上山·上山·爱》是正版吗?