
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/14 07:02:48





“破釜沉舟百二秦关终属楚,卧薪尝胆三千越甲可吞吴” 。铁人精神是一个奇迹,最纯朴的奇迹,最伟大的奇迹!大庆是铁人们用身躯创造的神话,一个最朴素的神话,最辉煌的神话!那么,作为跨世纪的我们何尝不是未来的神话呢?!



Respected leaders and colleagues:
Hello! I call from daqing oil factory. Today, the topic of my speech is: follow the tracks of the iron, iron from spirit.

Follow the steps of iron, July 2007, when I first arrived on this land, daqing when my heart can't be calm once. When you face a towering mast, when you follow the faulty, integrates flies. Have you ever thought ZhengZheng TieGu - a man, a shout "rather less to live for twenty years, is to win big oil to the oil workers," here is laid for China the first oil, even here in China will be without oil hat completely thrown into the Pacific, he is WangJinXi! As a new period of oil workers, it is not only a familiar names, he is a kind of spirit, a symbol of the era, an inspiring example of the horn.

Time steps not stagnate, passage, daqing oilfield has passed six years, with his exploration of the ShiYouRen steps, with his sweat and youth with life, even for the development of the oil industry.