再求Trust Company乐队的The War Is Over英文和中文歌词.

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/23 20:50:25

The War Is Over 结束战争

My statures are falling 我的身体在降落
Like feathers of snow 像雪般的羽毛
Their voices are calling 他们在呼唤
In a whispering world 在一个搬弄是非的世界里
Waiting for the morning glow 等待早晨的阳光

Heaven is calling 天堂在召唤
From rainy shores 来自雨中的海岸
Counting wounded lights falling 数着受伤的心灵坠落
Into their dreams 在他们的梦里
Still searching for an open door 依然寻找那扇开敞的门

In morning dew 清晨的露珠里
A glorious scene came through 经历了光荣的场面
Like war is over now 如战争结束了般
I feel I'm coming home again 我感到自己又回家了

Pure moments of thought 纯洁的思念瞬间
In the meaning of love
This war is over now 这场战争已经结束
I feel I'm coming home again 我感到自己又回家了

An arrow of freedom 自由之箭
Is piercing my heart 刺穿我的心
Breaking chains of emotion 打破情感镣链
Give a moment to pray 给予瞬间去祈祷
Lost innocence to find its way 为找到出路而失去无辜

Fields of sensation 情感之野
A cry in