吴宓的38首忏情诗的内容是? 要全,不全也尽量多!

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/05 05:56:49
现在下面的答案不满意 网上都可以找到。现在大家帮忙下,找到了重赏。


  前段时间读到了他翻译的英国诗人Winfred M. Letts的The Spires of Oxford. 一向推崇古文,反对白话的吴宓在翻译这首诗时破天荒地给出了旧体和新体两个译本。他的旧体译本自然是纯熟老道,但新体译本读来也是别有一番诗的味道,真是不能不让人感叹他作为一代大师的深厚的学术修为!


  The Spires of Oxford

  Winfred M. Letts

  I SAW the spires of Oxford
  As I was passing by,
  The grey spires of Oxford
  Against the pearl-grey sky.
  My heart was with the Oxford men
  Who went abroad to die.

  The years go fast in Oxford,
  The golden years and gay,
  The hoary Colleges look down
  On careless boys at play.

  But when the bugles sounded war
  They put their games away.

  The left the peaceful river,
  The cricket-field, the quad,
  The shaven lawns of Oxford,
  To seek a bloody sod—
  They gave their merry youth