
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/04 14:52:29
理想主义者,忠于自己的价值观及自己所重视的人。外在的生活与内在的价值观配合,有好奇心,很快看到事情的可能与否,能够加速对理念的实践。试图了解别人、协助别人发展潜能。适应力强,有弹性;如果和他们的 价值观没有抵触,往往能包容他人。
INFP把内在的和谐视为高于其他一切。他们敏感、理想化、忠诚,对于个人价值具有一种强烈的荣誉感。他们个人信仰坚定,有为自认为有价值的事业献身的精神。 INFP型的人对于已知事物之外的可能性很感兴趣,精力集 中于他们的梦想和想象。他们思维开阔、有好奇心和洞察力,常常具有出色的长远眼光。在日常事务中,他们通常灵活多变、具有忍耐力和适应性,但是他们非常坚定地对待内心的忠诚,为自己设定了事实上几乎是不可能 的标准。 INFP型的人具有许多使他们忙碌的理想和忠诚。他们十分坚定地完成自己所选择的事情,他们往往承担得太多,但不管怎样总要完成每件事。虽然对外部世界他们显得冷淡缄默,但INFP型的人很关心内在。他们富 有同情心、理解力,对于别人的情感很敏感。除了他们的价值观受到威胁外,他们总是避免冲突,没有兴趣强迫或支配别人。INFP型的人常常喜欢通过书写而不是口头来表达自己的感情。当INFP型的人劝说别人相信他们的 想法的重要性时,可能是最有说服力的。 INFP很少显露强烈的感情,常常显得沉默而冷静。然而,一旦他们与你认识了,就会变得热情友好,但往往会避免浮浅的交往。他们珍视那些花费时间去思考目标与价值的人。

您适合的领域有:创作性、艺术类 教育、研究、咨询类等

Idealists, loyal to their own values and their importance to people. External and internal values of life with, and curiosity may soon see whether or not the matter, it can speed up the practice of philosophy. Attempts to understand others, to help others develop their potential. Adaptable, flexible and resilient; If there is no conflict with their values, are often tolerant of others.
INFP as to the inherent harmony above all else. They are sensitive, idealistic, loyal, for the value of having a strong personal sense of honor. Their own firm belief, for that worthy cause since the spirit of devotion. INFP type known things people are interested in the possibility of outside, focus on their dreams and imagination. Broaden their thinking, there is curiosity and insight, often with excellent long-term perspective. In day-to-day affairs, they are usually flexible, have patience and adaptability, but they treat very firm sense of loyalty, set itself the de facto standard is almost