紧急!!!Oprah winfrey(欧普拉·温弗丽)英文介绍

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/19 08:38:47
最好简单一点~关于Oprah winfrey的童年,成名经历!
欧普拉的童年是艰辛的。她出生在美国南部密西西比州的叫“Kosciusko”乡村,母亲是一单身未婚女人。幼年的欧普拉是跟随祖母住在乡下开始了最早的“播音生涯”。三岁的欧普拉开始学习大声读书和背诵儿童读物。从六岁到十三岁,她同母亲住在威斯康星Milwaukee城。在几年痛苦的性骚扰和性虐待之后,十三岁的她,从家里逃出,被送到她的父亲家里。在父亲严厉管教下,她每一个星期必须读一本书,并要写一篇书评。“父亲认为,我需要给自己一个最好的生活。”成年后的欧普拉相信艰辛的岁月造就了她成为今天的欧普拉,“我不认为自己是一个做得好而被剥夺权力的少数民族女孩儿,我认为我自己是同其他人一样在很小的时候就知道对自己负有责任 - 我必须做好。”

oprah's childhood is hard.she was born in a village called kosciusko in the southern United States, Mississippi.her mother is Single and unmarried .little oprah started the earlist "Broadcasting career" when she live with her grandma in the countryside.three-year-old oprah began learning Reading aloud and reciting
Children's books.during six and thirteen ,she lived in milwaukee with her mother.after years of painful sexual harassment and sexual abuse ,she eacaped from home at thirteen,and was sent to her father's home.under her father's rigid parental control ,she had to read a book with a review."father thinks i need to give myself a better life."the grown up oprah thinks the hard time has made her what she is today,"i don't think i'm a girl of minority who has been deprived of rights while doing well,i think i know i should be responsible to myself at very young as others-i must do it well.

Oprah Winfrey biography