The paper burns, but the words fly away是什么意思呢?

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/02 12:29:46

这个应该是描述犹太祭司1986年的焚书的情况出现的词吧 不太清楚具体意义

不过大概能理解的意思是 把书烧了,反而里面的内容更能引起人们的好奇,反而更出名的意思。

"The paper burns, but the words fly away." These words about bookburning from the martyred rabbi Akiba Ben Joseph appear on one wall of Ray Bradbury's beloved Los Angeles Public Library—itself the survivor of a horrific 1986 fire. They also underscore a truth too often ignored: Censorship almost never works. Banning or burning a book may take it out of circulation temporarily, but it usually makes people even more curious to read the work in question. Under Joseph Stalin and his successors, Russians banned questionable books and killed or imprisoned their authors, yet underground or samizdat editions passed from hand to hand and ultimately helped topple the Soviet system. Adolf Hitler exhorted his followers to burn books by Jewish or "subversive" authors, but the best of those books have outlasted Nazi Germany by a good sixty years. In a