slick rick版的children's story歌词

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/05/11 18:12:54
我想要Slick Rick唱的Children's story的歌词
尤其是前面的对话我想要,后面的RAP歌词都可以搜到,就是前面 我听了很久也没听懂,诶听力不行,麻烦谁能告诉我?
就是一开始那个child:XXX,would you read us a bedtime .....
然后歌手:Alright ......
什么什么的 希望有人告诉我完整版,拜托啦
呃....谢谢不过...我是说,我主要是想要前面那段对话= = 因为我也搜过发现好多都没有给前面的词直接从here we go开始了 我想要前面的词 有谁能告诉我啊 感恩~~


Girl:Uncle Ricky, could u read us a bed time story please, o please
(Alright you kids get to bed i'll get the story book. yall tucked in?)yea

here we go,
once upon a time not long ago,
when people wore pajamas and lived life slow,
when laws were stern and justice stood,
and people were behavin' like they ought ta good,
there lived a lil' boy who was misled,
by anotha lil' boy and this is what he said:
"me & you, ty, we gonna make sum cash,
robbin' old folks and makin' ah dash",
they did the job, money came with ease,
but one couldn't stop, it's like he had a disease,
he robbed another and another and a sista and her
tried to rob a man who was a d.t. undercover,
the cop grabbed his arm, he started acting erratic,
he said "keep still, boy, no need for static",
punched him in his belly and he gave him a slap,