
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/05/30 20:07:36
美国在 1776 年独立建国。 早年殖民地色彩十分浓厚,在文化方面几乎全是欧洲的移植。 民间的音乐,倒是以黑人的灵歌( spiritual ),综合了非洲的传统与被迫信仰的基督教,发展出很不同的风格。 西部开发产生了牛仔,牛仔歌 (cowboy songs) 虽未脱离欧洲 ( 特别是英国 ) 民谣风格,但精力旺盛,粗犷又多愁善感,也有特色。 天才歌曲作者 福斯特 (Stephen Foster, 1826-64) ,吸收了这些因素,写下了几乎可以称为美国民谣的歌曲.


1. US has in music art aspect is in the lead the world artistic achievement and the development history cultural context, after the process populace entertainment pop music baptism, US's mainstream music and non-mainstream music all receives the world singer fan to pursue warmly holds with the sympathetic chord, the international popular musical world becomes the European and American music, the American music pronoun gradually, but the American each kind of music artistic expression form style gradually by entertainment culture great nation and so on the Asia and Europe mainstream music absorptions and the mix, caused the American music to surmount the national territory to become the world music fans first choice fashion music culture target.

2. [Western music] The western music history is refers to the Western music the development course, the detailed time may divide into: Ancient Greece Rome time musics, middle ages time music, Renaissance