
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/04 06:23:56
内容提要 王安石是南宋时期一代名臣和重要的文学家,是宋代学术史上的重要人物,同时是一位出色的词人。他的词继承了辛派词风,沉郁苍凉,自成风格。题材上内容丰富,涉及送别、爱国、咏物、写景、感怀等诸多方面,语言激越豪放,雄浑悲壮。在宋代文化史和词学史上具有十分重要的地位和研究价值。

Wang Anshi is a well-known minister and important litterateur in the Southern Song Dynasty ,and also a standout poet .He inherit the style of Xin Ci ,gloomy and bleak ,and developed his own system .The theme was abundance including the farewell,the patriotism, the hylic chant ,the describing of scene and the expression of feelings .The language was bold and unconstrained, and solemn and stirring .His Ci had very important position and researching value in the cultural history and history of Ci on Song Dynasty .


Wang Anshi is in the Southern Song Dynasty ,a well-known minister ,and important generation of writers, is an academic history of the Song Dynasty, who is also an outstanding poet. He sent word inherited Ci Xin, gloomy desolation, own style. Rich in content and subject matter, involving farewell, patriotism, Objects,description of the scene,expression of feelings other aspects, language Haofang intense, powerful tragic. Cultural History in the Song Dynas