
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/04/29 21:15:59


1. The act of surrendering a claim to, or interest in, a particular asset.

2. The permitted withdrawal from a forward contract that is made for the purchase of deliverable securities.

3. The act of allowing an option to expire unexercised.


1. Corporations will generally abandon assets or projects that no longer offer any profitability. In most instances, proper legal documents must be filed with authorities and any damages must be recouped.

2. Abandonment occurs in forward contracts that permit the purchasers to withdraw from the contract, rather than purchase the deliverable securities.

3. In many instances, an option may not be worthwhile or profitable to exercise and, therefore, the purchaser of the option will let the option expire without being exercised.



1 。交出的行为提出索赔,或有兴趣,一个特定的资产。

2 。允许撤出的远期合同是用于购买交割证券。

3 。该法允许的选择权到期unexercised 。

1 。企业通常会放弃资产或项目,不再提供任何盈利。在大多数情况下,适当的法律文件必须提交当局和任何损害必须得到补偿。

2 。放弃发生在远期合约,允许买家退出此合同,而不是购买交割证券。

3 。在许多情况下,一种选择可能不值得或利润行使,因此,购买者的选择将让选择届满而不行使。