
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/11 21:48:33

腱鞘囊肿也就是Ganglion cyst:
A ganglion cyst (also known as a bible bump) is a swelling that often appears on or around joints and tendons in the hand or foot. The size of the cyst can vary over time. It is most frequently located around the wrist and on the fingers. The term "Bible Bump" comes from a common (but discouraged) treatment of pounding on the cyst with a Bible or another large book.

If a ganglion cyst is symptomatic, it can be managed by aspiration or excision. Aspiration of the cyst is the simpler of the two procedures, but cysts recur in more than 50% of cases. With surgery, the recurrence rate is reduced to only 5 to 10% if the check valve at the joint capsule is removed.

注意最后一句,如果用手术治疗的话,痊愈率是高达90%以上的,里面有提到一个东西叫Check Valve,我不是学医的,并不太懂专业地去翻译这个词,意思上是,只要手术中医生成功把那囊肿的那部分移除的话,复发率是极地的.也就是手术的关键是医生,同时上面有提到,如果抽取法来治疗的话,复发率大概为50%以上,简单点说,如果不是太严重,我觉得多去抽几次,不要进行手术是明智的选择

